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Areas of Activities


RM's range of activities in the world of airport security contains a wide range of topics.


Our specialization:

  • Risk assessment Survey

  • Compliance with ICAO compliance requirements for ICAO certification.

  • Security design of the Departure and Arrivals Passenger’s terminal hall.

  • Security of the Airport perimeter

  • Cargo security

  • Infrastructure security (fuel, communications, navigation, catering)

  • Security procedures in the various complexes / areas

  • Training, repetitive practice, exams and drill.



R.M's services shall be performed by an experienced multidisciplinary team specialized in airports and airline ground operation, specifically in the design, planning, operation, and training of airports, airlines, cargo, catering, airport infrastructures, communication and IT,  customer services,  aviation business operations include airports airlines contingency programs and emergency recovery plans. 


R.M's team of experts is leading experts in the global aviation industry, with years of experience in developing, planning, applying, and managing of:

  • Airport departure routs

  • Passenger’s Terminal departure hall

  • Airside and ramp area

  • Passenger’s Terminal Arrival hall

  • Cargo facility and cargo operations



R.M's senior consultants have cooperated on many projects in the past and are experienced in working as a team. Their exceptional qualifications and experience in the areas of activity at the airport will ensure a high level of professionalism and efficiency.


With years of experience in aviation security, our team has gained knowledge and skills across all areas of aviation security which can provide added value project execution efficiency.


The comprehensive airport security solutions developed for each client considers the threats it faces, its operating environment and characteristics, and are designed to deter adversaries from targeting the airport and prevent attacks from being carried out, and to mitigate the consequences of any hostile actions while also ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements.


Additionally, members of this team have worked closely with regulators on the certification of threat and explosives detection systems and with developers of security technologies serving the particular needs of aviation security.  They have also played key roles in the upgrading security operations at Ben-Gurion International Airport, Israel – arguably the world’s most threatened airport.

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