Areas of Activities
Coastal and Maritime Security
The country’s coastline and the economic water present a variety of security challenges as:
Illegal landing of terrorist groups, arms and explosives
Infiltration/ex-filtration of anti-national elements
Use of the sea and offshore islands for criminal activities, human trafficking and smuggling of Immigrants (of any kind)
Drug trafficking, consumer and intermediate goods
Activities of pirates along the coasts and economic waters
Illegal unreported and unregulated fishing
Stealing/seizure/taking over natural resources
The absence of physical barriers in the sea and on the coast and the presence of residence, tourism, and leisure /recreation, vital industrial and defense installations near the coast also enhance the vulnerability of the coasts to illegal cross-border activities.
In most countries, there are a number of agencies involved in various facets of coastal security, and coordination between these agencies is important. Owing to the multi-stakeholder problems there is a need for a one security program that shows all the layers of security and resulting discipline such as electrical and communication infrastructure, expropriation of land (for a coastal detection and observation systems).
Following 20 years of continuous success, the Maritime Security & Coastal Surveillance R.M has established itself as leading in the concept of security operations design.
Attacks succeed by identifying and exploiting weaknesses.
R.M experts apply decades of experience to engineer security solutions tailored to the needs and ability of the customer.