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Areas of Activities

Mass Transportation

The motivation to hit the train as a government symbol and as a major economic transportation entity based on the transportation of cargo and passenger service in large numbers (can reach 1000 people on the train). And as a carrier of hazardous and explosive materials (toxic and explosive) brings the train to a national strategic goal (mass terrorist attack) economic (value of direct and indirect financial damage) and of course ecological (breakout of hazardous materials) and as a body moving on a known and necessary route at high speed Extremely large energy (Kinetic energy) in frequently changing terrain conditions, passenger traffic changes at fast times (stations along the route of the train track and passenger traffic between carriages) and concentration of captive passengers in a crowded space cabin with no escape capability. Brings the range of threats on the train to almost unlimited.



Train and Railways security, divided into several main areas:


  • Securing the train itself (physical and technical internal assembly)

  • Security of n stations of different types and sizes:

  • Railway security: (railways, bridges, tunnels).

  • Security of communications and safety infrastructure (traffic light direction signals and checkpoints)

  • Suicide prevention (spot detection and spot treatment).



To ensure the security of the traveling public – at stations and onboard trains.

To ensure the security of the operator’s personnel.

To protect critical assets – stations, bridges, tunnels, tracks, electrical sub-stations, maintenance depots and stabling yards, computer systems and data.

To protect the signaling and traffic control systems .

To ensure the company’s continuous commercial activity and to providing continuous transportation services.

All in most suitable for the customer a cost-effective manner .



R.M has many years of experience from projects in securing mass transportation and trains in particular. We began designing the concept of security for trains in the mid-90s as part of an analysis of terrorist threat scenarios on an audience in closed concentrations.


R.M has introduced a comprehensive security concept for the Israely's railway company which is fully implemented in several countries around the world.


We developed a Solution Design Methodology to Mass Transit Security Concept “What can we do in order to prevent (or at least minimize) the occurrence of terror attacks at stations and onboard trains?”



R.M examines 3D solutions " Security-oriented approach to design" As:


  • Civil engineering – structural hardening and blast mitigation elements

  • Security Architecture – maximum CCTV coverage, Covering detectors and adapting them to the nature of the activity in the surface cell

  • Operations – synergy between security operations and customer service

  • Communication – availability and redundancy of the communication system under routine and emergency conditions

  • Security Procedures - Routine and emergency procedures to prevent,  prepare for, detect, respond to and recover from various attacks following a variety of scenarios.

  • Trained Personnel - Security personnel trained to perform all security tasks under routine conditions and during emergencies.

  • Regional and/or National Situation Room - provides to get the real time situation  and manage overall activities of the security, safety and operation of the train from one place.

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R.M | Advanced Operational Methods

© 2024 by Jessica Albojer

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