Risk Assessments
There are several methodologies to perform a threat and risk assessment, we have developed a unique approach in R.M based on years of analyzing threats and conducting risk assessments at the security and intelligence agencies.
R.M's teams employ its own Risk Assessment Methodology (RAM), which is globally known as the TVRA (Threat identification, Vulnerability Evaluation, and Risk Assessment) Methodology.
The TVRA was developed subsequent to the 9.11 terror attacks.
TVRA is a security evaluation process, used as a generic security concept that can associate any given asset (i.e. sensitive plants or critical infrastructures, Sea Sites air Sites, national emergency response centers, etc.) in order to define the following:
Threats to a protected, critical asset
Effectiveness of current existing countermeasures
Vulnerabilities of protected critical assets
Impact and consequences from such threats
Evaluation of current risk level
The TVRA methodology also provides a significant management tool. Its integrated Matrix Evaluation Practice makes it possible to enable grading and quantifying each of the above elements, enabling the matrix process to present “verbally assessed information” as measurable factors.
These measurable factors enable quantification and grading of the risk levels for each asset, operational process, and critical infrastructure that is included in the protected entity. Moreover, these measurable factors are used as a management tool and decision making support tool which assists in determining prioritization for the implementation of the required countermeasures.
Following its positive implementation in Israel and the United States, the TVRA methodology was successfully implemented in more than 500+ homeland security and civil security projects around the world.