Areas of Activities
Sea Ports
Worldwide, maritime cargoes and vessels are increasingly targeted by organized criminal conspiracies or individuals involved in alien smuggling, cargo theft, drug smuggling, and terrorism. Exploiting weaknesses in port security are central to these crimes.
Traditional views of port security responsibilities must be expanded. A complex transnational set of security issues threaten the maritime industry and the movement of cargo in international trade. Those threats include terrorism, piracy, smuggling of stowaways and drugs, cargo theft and fraud, bribery, and extortion. Sea robbery provides an excellent example of the complexity of port security issues.
R.M offers clients customized, turnkey solutions that help boost seaport security.
Each project begins with an in-depth security assessment based on IMO regulations and the ISPS before the client chooses from a range of tailored solutions and services. R.M assists with the development of a comprehensive security plan, designs and implements the required Integrated Security System (ISS), and erects state-of-the-art seaport security platforms.
Seaport security is a complex field composed of numerous different elements. Any solution starts with the securing of the perimeter from both the land and maritime sides, before progressing to critical areas. The security system will include smart monitoring of the entire site, as well as access control of certain zones. R.M designs solutions that control, scan, and verify containers, screen passengers, provide command and control capabilities, and rapid-response units and detailed concepts of operations.
The company draws on the real-life experience of its diverse team of experts to offer comprehensive security solutions. Each one offers a proven concept of operations and security subsystem capabilities and is designed to provide enhanced seaport security, as well as to protect vessels docked in the port.
R.M’s team carries out all Port Facility Security Assessments in accordance with the requirements of the IMO (International Maritime Organization), and the ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code).