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VIP Protection | Undercover security

Undercover security is ideal for Executive seeking to maintain a low-profile. The undercover aspect allows the secure person to enjoy maximum freedom while simultaneously being protected by a VIP Protection team. That has blended into the environment.


The R.M's undercover teams derives its core experiences in undercover security from government  agencies as well as IDF undercover units. Each Undercover team member has undergone extensive training that focuses on adapting the previous experience to the unique needs and environments of the private & corporate sector. Our team studying and adapts himself to the various cultures where’s operate and is able to provide 3D security in even the most diverse and challenging environments.


Undercover security is not just a matter of changing clothing or wearing a fancy earpiece. It is a matter of mindset and complete dedication to the security of the principle without attracting attention. Our undercover team has successfully secured numerous Executive, VIPs persons, Celebrities, and Families in Europe, Canada, USA, and South America


At home, on the movement, at the office, in meetings in public areas, and multi-participant events.


Undercover security is our preferred method of operating in M.R. It provides a great balance between security and freedom.

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